Sinus Max owner R. Friesz explains why Pipistrel’s Sinus aircraft was an easy sell and his favorite aircraft to fly.
“The first time I flew it, I knew I was going to buy it and that’s a true statement. I loved it the first time.
I’m three years out from retirement so we’ll use it for business for a little while, but mainly for going to the coastal property and doing cross country with me and my wife.
Efficiency and safety were like the two main concerns for me and you’re not going to find a more efficient bird than this one. I did three gallons an hour in econo-cruise. In mine, I have the extended tank so we can get just over 800 nautical miles, almost 900 with the right tailwind. If you want to go glide, you can put the long tips on. That’s about a two-minute process. They come off very easily. If you want to go across country, I fly with the short tips and 110 knot easy cruise.
I would say visibility is very good. The doors, as you can see, you can look all the way down.
I love mine and I’ve got time in five different aircraft and I have more fun in this one than any of those. If you’re looking at any light sport, this is a very, very easy sell for me.” – R. Friesz